The Holy Spirit In You

“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you.” -1 Corinthians 6:19

The Greek reads:

“the ‘in you’ Holy Spirit.”

I love this!

Throughout the Old Testament there is the ‘upon you’ Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God would fall upon people.

He continues to be ‘the upon you’ Holy Spirit in the New Testament as we see in the book of Acts chapter 2.

He is also the ‘through you’ Holy Spirit. This is what we see with Jesus. He was conscious of “The Virtue” flowing out of Him. We read also in Acts how the Spirit was given through the laying on of hands. The ‘through you’ Holy Spirit!

We need revelation of the ‘in you’ Holy Spirit, the ‘upon you’ Holy Spirit and the ‘through you’ Holy Spirit.

In the natural realm it is impossible for a person to be inside something and outside something at the same time. If we are in motion we are conscious of ourselves moving from one place to another- either from the inside going to the outside, or from the outside going to the inside. But in the case of the Holy Spirit, He is able to be inside while He is outside! He can actually be in both places at the same time.

The Holy Spirit is not constrained.

The Holy Spirit can be resting on the outside of you, while He is resting on the inside of you, while at the very same moment, He is actively in motion flowing out of you!

How can you be still and be in motion at the same time? How can you be inside a person and outside of a person at the same time? But this is the sphere in which the Holy Spirit lives!

Now take what I just said and multiply it to all the children of God who live on the Earth right now. The Holy Spirit is “in”, “upon”, and “moving through” all of God’s children, all at the same time, in different ways! As mind-boggling as this is it doesn’t even take into account all of His ongoing activities in Heaven and the myrid ways He’s moving all over the Earth… ALL AT THE SAME TIME! This is impossible for the natural mind to understand. That’s why Paul says that spiritual things need to be spiritually discerned. There is no possibility of entering into the things of God without the Spirit of Revelation. Do you honestly believe that you can know a God like this without the Spirit of Revelation?

“I keep asking that the Father of Glory would give you the Spirit of wisdom and Revelation so that you may know him better”. -Eph 1:17

Paul says he keeps asking for revelation to be given!

Even when you come into a degree of understanding don’t assume that you’ve arrived. We’ve only just scratched the surface.

“For now we see in a mirror indirectly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known.” -1 Corinthians 13:12

Just because you’ve read something in the Bible and you can repeat the verse by heart doesn’t mean that you have the experience of it.

Why do you think the Apostle Paul is praying for the church over and over again that they may come into revelation, that they may have the eyes of their heart opened up to be able to see? Why does Paul keep asking God to show them something that he has already told them about??

It’s because reading about something, and listening to somebody preach about something, is not the same as actually having the revelation of what that person is talking about!


He’s the ‘in you’ Holy Spirit

Oh how easy it is to talk about the Holy Spirit being in us! It’s quite another matter to have the revelation of it and an actual experience of it.

I’ve written about this many times. If you have somebody living in your house it’s impossible not to know that they’re there! I can hear them making noise in the living room, I can smell food cooking in the kitchen, I can hear that they’ve started the laundry.

If someone’s living in my house it’s inevitable I’m going to come across them from time to time! It’s impossible not to see their face, hear their voice, and have a conversation every now and then! Can you actually tell me that you can have somebody living in your house and not notice that they’re there? How is it then that God can be living in you and you have no experience of it? How can He be living in your body and you have no clue that He’s actually there??

He is there! He is in you, but you need a revelation of it.

What is your experience of the Holy Spirit being in you?

For many of us the answer is we have no experience of it at all! This is why the Apostle Paul prayed for revelation for the church in Ephesus, and I have to believe he prayed the same for the church in Corinth, and for all of God’s people everywhere. He didn’t just pray for them once, but he kept praying over and over for them. He had taught them that the Holy Spirit was in them, but they didn’t have the revelation of it, so he was constantly asking God to open their eyes to see it!

They had received good teaching from the Apostle Paul but they weren’t experiencing the reality of the Holy Spirit living in them.

They needed the eyes of their heart to be opened to understand that somebody was living inside of their body and that somebody’s name is the Holy Spirit. Not just a force, not just a power, not just an influence- but a person living in their body!

Perhaps some of them had their eyes open to a certain degree. I’m sure there were those in the church in Paul’s day who had a tangible experience of the Holy Spirit living in them because the eyes of their heart had been opened. And yet, from my own experience, and from what I can see in the scripture, we are able to enter into an expanding revelation of what it means to have the person of the Holy Spirit living inside of us..

We ought not to assume that we’ve entered into the greatest or final experience of God that we will ever have. As I pointed out earlier, we are only seeing in part now, we are only knowing in part now. The day will come when we will know fully, but until that day there is an ever-increasing revelation of who God is and of the reality of what it means that He is living in us.

Oh God, make me aware that your Holy Spirit is within me!

Oh God, make me aware that your Holy Spirit is upon me!

Oh God, make me aware that your Holy Spirit is flowing through me!