God’s Providence

God’s providence is not just about enjoying the things that we deem pleasant. That’s a very wrong view of providence!

God’s providence encompasses both the things we like and the things that we personally dislike. It’s GOD weaving ALL the events of our life to bring us to HIS ultimate purpose.

Joseph is one of the chief characters in the Bible who helps us to understand God’s providence.

Most of the providential events that occurred in the life of Joseph were not things that he personally wanted to have happen to him!

We love to point out God’s providence when good things (as we suppose them) happen in our life. But we rarely ascribe to providence those things which are personally difficult for us.

This is because we have a wrong view of God and HIS SOVEREIGNTY.

God’s causing ALL things to work together for the good of those who love Him.

The God of Providence is the God of all things!

“And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” -Romans 8:28

Not only is He God over all things that happen in our lives, His acts of providence are bringing us to His intended purpose!

Were you quick to ascribe to God all the wonderful events that took place in a certain situation? You must be just as sure that what’s happening at this moment, though unpleasant for you, is also the Hand of God!

It’s a wonderful thing to catch glimpses of the Hand of God at work. Even so, we need to be careful that we don’t assume that we understand what providential circumstances mean.

Be very careful in assuming that you understand the Hand of Providence.

When it comes to providence you can’t go by what your eyes see.

What appears to be bad could actually be a doorway into something that’s good.

That’s certainly happened in my life!

And just because something appears to be good as you might estimate in your flesh, does not necessarily indicate the favor of God, or that it’s the last step in providence. God can close that supposedly good door at any moment He wants to.

This is why obedience is so important.

We cannot correctly interpret providence by the eyes of our own understanding. We, however, can never go wrong in obeying the Lord.

Obedience will always lead us into the blessing of God.

If at some point I start trying to figure out providence in my own understanding instead of obeying, I get into trouble.

Obeying God step-by-step is the surest path to blessing.

It’s amazing to see the Hand of God in providence, but the path of obedience is how we enter in to inherit the land!

We must have a willing and obedient heart to inherit the land.

“If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best of the land.” -Isa 1:19

It’s not in my ability to read providence, but rather in my willingness to obey, that I enter in to the favor of God and inherit the land.

For more on the subject of Providence please read DIVINE PROVIDENCE