Living With Lies

A number of years ago I had somebody in my life who was constantly lying to me. Instead of confronting this person I allowed their behavior to continue. Eventually the Holy Spirit confronted me for not confronting them! He showed me that by failing to confront this person’s pattern of lying that I was actually inviting chaos in my life! The following contains part of a journal entry that I wrote at the time concerning what God was showing me. I share it with you in hopes that you will not fall into the same trap that I did.

Thoughts From My Journal

I just got done praying a very fierce prayer of deliverance.

________ has been lying to me from the beginning. That means I have been living with lies! Satan is the father of all lies so he has been deeply involved in this. I asked God for deliverance for my complicity in allowing it. Immediately after I confessed my guilt in allowing these lies to continue I felt something lift off me. I became light and felt a new freshness wash over me!

I feel like a totally different person!!!

God showed me that I had allowed myself to become entangled in the kingdom of darkness by becoming complicit with lies, because I accommodated them when I should have been confronting them.

I believe God just brought me deliverance in acknowledging that fact.

The reason these last 6 months have been so crazy is because they’ve been built on lies. This person has lied to me about almost everything! Almost everything has been a fabrication. It’s made my life a living hell because hell is filled with lies, chaos and confusion.

I thought I was being gracious and I was trying to be kind, but by failing to confront the situation I let this imaginary world of lies exist and I lived within it. What I never realized at the time is that by allowing this I was living in Satan’s kingdom, because Satan’s kingdom is all about lies. God’s kingdom is established and built upon truth. The scepter of God’s kingdom, is a scepter of righteousness!

The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness. -Psalms 45:6

The duplicity, the obsfucations, the bold-faced lies were all manifestations of the kingdom of darkness.

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, -Colossians 1:13

I’m no longer walking in the dominion of darkness. The kingdom of lies has no place in my life. Why then did I allow this person to have a place in my life? It was a huge mistake! The will of God for me is as plain as can be.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. -3 John 1:4

If that’s the case then there’s no greater sadness then to walk with liars and pretend like they’re telling the truth. I didn’t do myself any favors and I didn’t do them any favor by failing to confront them.

So do not join yourselves to them. Good and bad do not belong together. Light and darkness cannot share together. How can Christ and Belial, the devil, have any agreement? -2 Corinthians 6:14-15

So what if this person says that they’re a Christian? A Christian that walks in lies is a contradiction to the truth. They name the name of Christ, but walk with the Devil.

When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. -John 8:44

One word that keeps coming to me lately in prayer…

Spurious: not being what one purports to be; false or fake. Counterfeit. Of a deceitful nature or quality. Synonyms: false, bogus, sham, pretended.

Yup, that pretty much describes this relationship!

God keeps speaking to me about duplicity deceit, dissimulation, deception, and obsfucation. God is on a truth telling mission. Not only is He showing me where other people are not telling the truth, but He’s pointing out to me where I’m not!

The really crazy thing about all of this is that by not confronting this person’s lies, I become a liar myself, because I let them believe that I think they’re telling me the truth!

How twisted is that?

They think that I’m buying into all their lies when in fact I know very well that what they’re telling me is a bunch of garbage. But then I became duplicitous myself by pretending that I’m okay with them when I’m really not! What I ended up with was a totally fake relationship that was built on lies. They’re lying to me and I’m pretending that I’m okay with it. Now we’ve both become liars!

Like I said, is it any wonder there’s been chaos in my life? Them lying and me pretending that I’m okay with it. God help me, how ridiculous is that??

I honestly believe it invited demons. All these lying spirits of hell spinning their webs of deceit. They must love it when God’s people find themselves entangled in relationships like this. But all it takes is one word of truth to send them scurrying back to hell!

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. -John 8:32

Not just the truth about the person who was lying to me, but the truth that I was lying to myself by allowing it- this has set me free!