You Are Worthy

And they sang a new song: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. -Revelation 5:9

One of the reasons that I believe that Jesus is “worthy to open the scroll” is because He above all is most merciful and most self-sacrificial. Not only is Jesus completely pure and completely holy, but He is completely loving. When He rises as judge He comes from the posture of self-sacrificial love. No one else in Heaven or on Earth is as qualified to judge righteously as He is. Beholding the fallen nature of humanity He chose to act redemptively- Even when it meant the cost of His own life.

Only one who desires to show mercy is fit to stand in the place of judgment.

Christ above all others is fit and worthy to be the judge of the Living and the Dead, because there is no one more kind, more loving, more merciful than Him. When He judges, He always judges righteously.