The Deceitfulness Of Charm

I have learned a lesson in life: There are some very very sweet people who have some very very serious issues!

Often these issues are disguised by charm.

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” -Proverbs 31:30

Although this verse refers to women, I would be negligent if I didn’t say that it also applies to men.

When charming people are at their best they seem like the most amazing people on the face of the earth.

Would I be far off the mark if I said the serpent in the garden was full of charm? He didn’t show a scary face did he? If serpents wore tuxedos he surely would have had his on! How deftly he approached Eve, and with what seduction.

Charm is the Devil’s garment, be careful if you see someone wearing it!

How are people with the nature of the Devil able to lure others to themselves?


When the trap of charm snaps shut on you there’s always an element of surprise. Ask anyone who has married a narcissist. What you see is not what you get. You never would have given them the keys to your heart had you known they were going to use them to lock you up in a cage. You had visions of a palace, not a prison!

Notice that you never see Jesus in the Bible being described as charming. There is something intrinsically different about Heaven’s attraction and Hell’s seduction.

It’s worth noting that Hell’s seduction need not come packaged in darkness. Remember that the Word of God tells us that Satan comes as an angel of light.

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. -2 Corinthians 11:14

The serpent almost certainly feigned sweetness, not foulness to Eve.

Charm always wears a mask and without exception that mask will eventually come off.

Suddenly you realize the person who charmed you isn’t so charming after all!

Take a look at the Mirriam-Webster dictionary’s definition of charm.

  • A trait that fascinates, allures, or delights.
  • To act upon (someone or something) with or as with a compelling or magical force

Charm is like having a spell put on you. When you come under it’s influence you’re awed and made dizzy with delight! You might have been able to see more clearly if you hadn’t been spinning like a top. But have you ever noticed how wobbly a top gets when it starts to slow down?

The Word of God is very clear about this. It says charm is deceitful. That means at the back of charm is a lying spirit. Charm is a seducing spirit. Charm is a beguiling spirit.

Charm obsfucates.

Why are narcissists so charming? Because they need to hide all the bad stuff that they don’t want you to see!!!

One of the wonderful things about the Holy Spirit is that He sees past the exterior of charm into the interior motives of the heart.

And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. -Hebrews 4:13

Being “naked and exposed” is the fear of every deceptive person who works their magic by charm. The Holy Spirit is not taken in by charm, and neither should we be swept away by it! If we depend on Him to be our eyes, and we trust in Him with all our heart, we will not be taken in by the lure of charm.