Riveted By The Word of God And Captivated By Jesus

I became a born again Christian in the summer/fall of 1984. I like to say that God caught me by surprise because I had no clue what was going on with me! All I knew is that my life was in transition and I was suddenly alive to the reality of Jesus and eternal things! This wasn’t like my previous ventures into astrology, astral projection, and psychic fairs.

I knew that everything was changing and I’d never be the same again. I was riveted by the Word of God and captivated by Jesus.

During that time of transition I devoured the bible. I read it morning, noon and night. I was like a great big sponge just trying to soak in as much as I could.

I found Jesus in my bedroom, not in a church, so any outside influence would usually come through radio or TV. It might sound strange but I never even thought of going to church until many months after finding Jesus. By that time I’d already completely read the bible through twice. The more I read, the more I wanted!

The mall where I worked was almost uninhabited and I’d often not have a customer for hours. Some days I might only have a couple customers for the whole day so I spent the time reading my bible and listening to radio preachers!

After work I’d sometimes drive to a local dance club that I used to hang out at before becoming a Christian. I was gloriously free and not in the least bit legalistic. Whatever changes that were happening in my life were because I wanted them, not because somebody told me I couldn’t do this or that. So I’d drive to the disco that was just on the outskirts of town listening to radio preachers the whole way!

I’ll never forget one cold winter night sitting outside in the parking lot watching the lights on the dance floor as they bounced aross the room while I sat there riveted by the Word of God that was coming through my car radio. I was so caught up in it I couldn’t leave to go inside!

Most times the reception was not that great. I’d often lean into the dash trying to pick out the words from the crackling speaker as the AM signal faded in and out of range. On that winter night I was tuned into Charles Stanley, one of my favorite radio preachers. He had a program called InTouch and I couldn’t get enough of it. I still remember the teaching series he was going through that night- “Advancing Through Adversity”. As the lights continued to flicker and the music rumbled in the bar I listened to Charles Stanley as he taught about the life of the Apostle Paul and the adversity Paul went through. He explained how God used it all to bring about His glorious ends. I was captivated! Riveted by the Word of God! I couldn’t move from that place until I heard the whole thing. After the broadcast was over I looked over at the bar and it’s bright lights doing patterns on the dance floor, turned on my car, and drove away. I was done- I didn’t want it anymore.

I had been riveted by the Word of God, captivated by a life that was so much more than what I was living. The whole bar scene just seemed empty compared to what I saw in front of me portrayed in the pages of God’s Word. He had something better, and I wanted it! So I said goodbye to one thing and opened the door to another. It wasn’t hard to do, and nobody told me it was something I had to do- I just drove off, sure that God had something more for me than what I’d been living.

When Jesus captivates your heart, everything changes. It’s really that simple. And so I was beginning a journey with Him, a journey that would turn out to be the best move I’d ever made: Not simply leaving the bar… but choosing Jesus.

What happened that night is that in one small area of my life I decided to choose Jesus. I did it simply because the vision of who He is, and what He had for me, filled my heart and mind.

Thirty seven years later I’m still choosing Jesus for the same reasons: The Word of God still captivates me, rivets me- opens my eyes to who He is and what He has for my life.

Yesterday I drove up to a parking lot and couldn’t get out of the car. It was my radio again! I was listening to things about Jesus. I’m still stunned and totally amazed by the Word of God and the things I find there. I see things in it that stops me in my tracks, that just makes me sit there and go “Whew! That’s God’s Word!” It’s always new no matter how many times you’ve read it. It’s always got something to say directly to me. It can stop me short, cut me to the heart, and blow away all my excuses and then turn to comfort me in it’s next breath. It never ceases to amaze me, and never fails to reveal my amazing Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.