Turn Your Face Into The Wind

“Turn Your Face Into The Wind” was prophesied in 1987, the same year that I believe God spoke to me about a coming worldwide revival.

It’s a very old prophecy!

Don’t be tempted to think that it’s outdated. As I’ve come to learn over the years, when God speaks prophetically most of the time there is not an instant fulfillment.

“For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” – Habakkuk 2:3

I’ll share the prophecy with you, and afterward detail some of my concerns with the prophecy as well as some of the reasons I believe it may be from the Lord.


Prophetic word given to the Church by David Minor midnight 6th April, 1987

The Spirit of God would say to you that the wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing through the land.  The Church, however, is incapable of fully recognising this wind.  Just as your nation has given names to it’s hurricanes, so I have put My name on this wind.  This wind shall be named

“Holiness unto the Lord”.

Because of a lack of understanding, some of My people will try to find shelter from the wind, but in so doing, they shall miss My work.  For this wind has been sent to blow through every institution that has been raised in My Name.  In those institutions that have substituted their name for Mine, they shall fall by the impact of My wind.  Those institutions shall fall like cardboard shacks in a gale.  Ministries that have not walked in uprighteousness before Me shall be broken and fall.

This is My Wind.

For this reason, man will be tempted to brand this as a work of satan, but do not be misled.  This is My Wind.  I cannot tolerate My Church in its present form, nor will I tolerate it.  Ministries and organizations will shake and fall in the face of this wind and even some will seek to hide from that wind.  They shall not escape.  It shall blow against your lives and all around you will appear crumbling and so it shall.

But never forget, this is MY WIND, says the Lord.  With tornado force it will come and appear to leave devastation, but the word of the Lord comes and says, “Turn your face into the wind and let it blow, for only that which is not of Me shall be devastated.”  You must see this as necessary.

A second wind.

Be not dismayed, for after this, My wind shall blow again.  Have you not read how My breath blew on the valley of dry bones?  So it shall breathe on you.  This wind will come in equal force as the first wind.  This wind too will have a name.  It shall be called

 “The Kingdom of God”.

It shall bring government and order.  Along with that, it shall bring My power.  The supernatural shall come in that wind.  The world will laugh at you because of the devastation of the first wind, but they will laugh no more.  For this wind will come with force and power that will produce the miraculous among My people and the fear of God shall fall on the nation.  My people will be willing in the day of My power says the Lord. In the first wind that is upon you now, I shall blow out pride, lust, greed, competition and jealousy and you will feel devastated, but haven’t you read “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven?”  So out of your poverty of spirit, I will establish My kingdom.  Have you not read the kingdom of God is in the Holy Ghost?  So by My Spirit, My kingdom will be established and made manifest.

Know this also, there will be those who will seek to hide from this present wind and they will try to flow in the second wind.  But again they will be blown away by it.  Only those who have turned their faces into the present wind shall be allowed to be propelled by the second wind.

You have longed for revival and a return of the miraculous and the supernatural.  You and your generation shall see it, but it shall only come by My process says the Lord.  The Church of this nation cannot contain My power in its present form.  But as it turns to the wind of Holiness unto the Lord, it shall be purged and changed to contain my Glory.  This is the judgement that has begun to the house of God, but it is not the end.  When the second wind has come and brought in My harvest, then the end shall come.


The importance of judging prophecy

I stood up and shared this prophecy in the first week of 2024 with a group of people in Washougal, Washington. It was the first time that I’ve ever felt led to publicly share it at a gathering even though I’ve been in possession of the prophecy for 38 years. I distinctly felt that we were in the time of its fulfillment, and of course as we look back at 2024 that certainly seems to have been the case. I can’t remember a time in the 40 years that I’ve been a Christian where so many ministers and ministries have been publicly exposed and come crashing down.

I warned the group that I was speaking to that if we began to see these things take place that we should be very careful not to point a finger or stand in judgmental pride. It’s always been my belief that when very public figures come under the discipline of the Lord, it’s a time for the rest of us to humble ourselves. We should stand in fear, because none of us is without sin. The last thing in the world we should be doing is acting like we’re somehow better than everyone else. It’s the utmost arrogancy and self-deception to think that we can get away with things that other people have come under judgment for. We shouldn’t be patting ourselves on the back by telling ourselves that our sin “wasn’t as bad” or saying that we would “never do what they did”.

Just because we may not have done the exactly the same thing does not mean that we are without guilt. It’s so easy to rationalize our own sin while pointing the finger at somebody else. This kind of thing never pleases God. We need to fall on our face and ask for His mercy instead of pointing our bony finger at somebody else!

You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on another. For on whatever grounds you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. And we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. So when you, O man, pass judgment on others, yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Or do you disregard the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you to repentance? -Romans 2:1-4

A significant part of this prophecy seems to have come to pass, but nevertheless, I think it’s important that we look at the whole thing and examine it in the light of God’s Word.

Do not extinguish the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test all things. Hold fast to what is good. -1 Thessalonians 5:19

One thing that rings true to me about this prophecy is it’s strong emphasis on holiness and repentance. One of the chief things lacking in prophetic words today that speak of revival is that they often fail to call for holiness and repentance. We have tons of “prophetic voices” speaking smooth things. They mention nothing about the need for holiness while speaking great and wonderful visions of glory. To its credit, “Turn Your Face Into The Wind” is not that kind of prophecy. This prophetic word calls out sin and addresses those who are in ministry with wrong motives.


Something to consider

Many of the ministries that have recently fallen and come under public exposure were actually taking form during the days when this prophecy was given. I find that fact very interesting.

It’s also interesting to note that one of the largest evangelistic ministries in the world a fell within a year of when this prophecy was given. If you go back in time and look at the history, you’ll find that ever since 1988 there has been an ever-increasing cascade of public exposure and devastation of ministries right up to the present day, with 2024 exceeding anything I’ve seen in my lifetime.

The proof is in the pudding as they say, and the dramatic fulfillments that have occurred after this prophecy was given is probably one of the greatest evidences of its validity.

Having said that, I would also like to explore some the concerns that I have about parts of the prophecy.


Things that raise a red flag

There are things about this prophecy that raise red flags in my mind. These things do not necessarily invalidate the prophecy completely, but they need to be weighed.

The prophecy seems to be coming from the perspective of the Latter Rain Movement. I have no way of knowing David Minor’s theology and how it may have affected the giving of this word, but there’s no question that during the time frame this prophetic word was given, a great emphasis was beginning to mount up in certain segments of the church preaching signs, wonders, and great supernatural power.

Much of this signs and wonders influence can be traced straight back in our present day to William Branham. Although Branham has been hailed as a hero by many in the prophetic movement, there are very serious concerns about his life and “ministry”. I personally would not be using Branham as an example to emulate. Neither would I be asking God for Branham’s “mantle” as some have done. I strongly urge anyone who is reading this who is part of the Prophetic Movement to seriously do some research on Branham because much of the foundation of the movement has unfortunately been built on his legacy.

Paul Cain who was with Branham, eventually carried Branham’s ideas and influence into the inner circle of the Kansas City Prophets. Cain, like Branham, displayed remarkable supernatural capabilities, but was also not without some serious issues. It’s often assumed that these two men were both operating under the power of God simply because of the extreme supernatural activity that was occurring in their lives. They were both credited with having amazing accuracy in prophetic words of knowledge.

As someone who was in The New Age, I would like to point out that accuracy and the presence of the supernatural is not a guarantee that someone is speaking for God. Anyone who has been in the New Age Movement is familiar with spirits of divination and can tell you that psychics can also be very accurate. The Bible actually explicitly warns us that the coming of antichrist is going to be with great signs and wonders in order to deceive.

The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. -2 Thessalonians 2:9

I mention these things because in weighing the prophecy, “Turn Your Face Into The Wind”, it’s important to realize what was going on in the day that it was given. This was a time when the prophetic movement was seriously lusting after the supernatural, and the prophecy just so happens to feed into that!

This does not necessarily discount the prophecy’s legitimacy, but it does need to be factored in when weighing it.

When I first read the prophecy in 1987 I did not personally see it from the perspective of Latter Rain theology. But from where I stand today it’s easily discernible to me. I’m not saying that’s what David Minor had in mind when he gave it, but there are certainly question marks.

The prophecy speaks about a “Second Wind” called the “Kingdom of God” that follows “The Wind of Holiness”. This wind, according to the prophecy, “Shall bring My power. The supernatural shall come in that wind.” As previously stated, this part of the prophecy feeds right into the obsession the Kansas City Prophets had for the supernatural in 1987, the year the prophecy was given. An obsession with the supernatural has only increased in our day, to the point where we now have a movement called, “The Signs and Wonders Movement”!

As far as I’m concerned all of this should give us great pause.

It’s not that I don’t believe in the supernatural, but I do have a hard time believing that God wants to make the supernatural our focus!

As I said, the second half of David Minor’s prophecy feels very “Latter Rain” to me, and perhaps “Manifest Sons of God” as well. Enough so that it makes me question whether this prophetic word was affected by his own personal theology. He was walking with people who were immersed in this kind of stuff and so it wouldn’t be at all surprising if it had affected his perspective.

The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, who are prophesying, and say to those who prophesy from their own hearts: ‘Hear the word of the LORD!’ -Ezekiel 13:1

An example of this in our day is the failed Trump prophecies. It seemed like every major prophetic voice had come together in unison to declare that Trump would become president in 2020. He did not become president and these supposed prophecies from God (which were given with a great aire of confidence) all fell to the ground and were proven to be false. In an atmosphere of triumphalism a momentum builds where everyone begins feeding on everyone else. Human expectations rise to the place where our own desires are attributed to God and given as prophetic words.

Therefore behold,” declares the LORD, “I am against the prophets who steal from one another words they attribute to Me.” -Jeremiah 23:30

I certainly have reason for concern that this may have been what happened with David Minor’s prophecy when he spoke of a great and glorious return of the supernatural. He was surrounded by a great company of people who may have ended up becoming a giant echo chamber of one another.

This is my assessment of the prophecy.  You of course should weigh it for yourself, but I especially have difficulty with the following statement:

“You have longed for revival and a return of the miraculous and the supernatural. You and your generation shall see it…”

I’m having a hard time imagining these words coming out of God’s mouth! It almost feels to me at times that our lust for the supernatural is actually idolatry. Is God going to feed into an idolatrous lust?

“A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Then He left them and went away. -Matthew 16:4

Am I to believe that God wants us obsessed with the supernatural? We’re told that the “Second Wind” that’s going to blow in is called “The Kingdom of God”. And then the prophecy describes that wind as a supernatural wind; a wind of power. May I suggest that the Bible tells me the Kingdom of God actually consists in “righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit.” Although the power of God is certainly an evident feature when God is making Himself manifest, I think we make a great error when we focus on that rather than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

So I question the prophecy on this point. I don’t question the reality of supernatural manifestations, but I question a prophetic word that makes those things the main things.

Finally, the prophecy asks this question: “Have you not read the Kingdom of God is in the Holy Ghost?”

Actually, I haven’t read that, because it’s not in the Bible!

As I was writing this today I came across a troubling recording of David Minor delivering a message to a church in 1973. He prefaced the delivery of his message by saying that God had just given him “something new”, and it might not be correct, and he might not have it all figured out, and it might even be completely wrong, but he was excited about it, and told them the bible teachers in the church could figure it all out, and sort it out later if he was wrong!

It’s not my intention to disparage David Minor, but to stand before a church and preach something that you openly admit could be in error does not give me a great deal of confidence. We’re not supposed to be out there winging it, trusting that the teachers in the church will mop up the mess afterwards!

It’s probably worth noting this lax approach to the scriptures was also true of many of the original Kansas City Prophets. RT Kendall, who was close to Paul Cain, was astounded at how biblically illiterate Cain was. Cain was given a platform solely based on his ability to perform the supernatural.  Cain was not the only one from the Kansas City Prophets who failed to have even a basic understanding of the scriptures. From it’s inception the prophetic movement has been driven by the experiential rather than the Word of God.


Final conclusions

I urge you to carefully weigh “Turn Your Face Into The Wind”. In my mind it’s evident that a significant portion of it has either been fulfilled or is presently being fulfilled. On the other hand, I’m concerned with prophecy that may have been filtered through the lens of the Latter Rain Movement or Manifest Sons of God, and the second half of the prophecy certainly seems like that to me.

[As an update- In the course of working on this article I have come to learn that David Minor did in fact hold to Latter Rain theology. One online source refers to him as, “One of the old-time Latter Rain greats. Just passed away at 90 years old.” This further validates my original concerns with at least the second half of the prophecy.]

Concerning Latter Rain and Manifest Sons of God theology- I don’t discount whatsoever that an authentic outpouring of the Holy Spirit may come with signs, wonders and the miraculous, but I’m categorically opposed to any kind of teaching that represents the church on earth as some kind of super breed of human beings who strut around wielding supernatural power before the return of Jesus Christ. There’s an important nuance that we need to catch from the scriptures.

Now Stephen, who was full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people. -Acts 6:8

I never have the sense when I read Acts that these men thought they were Manifest Sons of God! We read of humble men being used mightily of God. They prayed for confidence and boldness to preach the word of God. What is evident about the life of Stephen in the Book of Acts is that he was a man who solidly understood and preached the Word of God. Signs and wonders followed his preaching of the gospel. Stephen was not out there performing a “signs and wonders miracle ministry”!

The early church went about preaching the gospel and signs and wonders followed. This is quite different than what we see today. Ministers fly into town to do meetings that are billed as “healing crusades”, and advertisements are put out telling people to expect revival and the supernatural. We see people waving their hands as if they’re releasing an energy force and directing it onto the crowd. People come in expectation of being hit by the power of the Holy Spirit. They’re looking for a tangible manifestation- an experience. If a prophet comes to their church they’re disappointed if they go forward to the altar and “a word” is not delivered to them. None of this is found in the Bible. You do not find people running around in the early church looking to get a prophetic word from prophets. You also do not find ministers strutting around making a show of themselves acting like they have power to release the Holy Spirit. If we’ll simply open our eyes and exercise some discernment we can easily see that what’s going on here is the glorification of men. There was no overemphasis on the “authority of the believer” in the early church. The emphasis was placed upon God.

And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your slaves may speak Your word with all confidence, while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders happen through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” -Acts 4:29

Did you catch that? They preached the gospel and God is the one who extended His hand to heal and perform signs and wonders. This has nothing to do with us extending our hands as if we’re in control of the Holy Spirit and are able to release Him!

They did not hype the supernatural in the early church.

It’s fine to pray for it, it’s fine to believe in it. In fact, we should be asking that God would demonstrate that He’s the Living God. But the moment this becomes about us wielding supernatural power something has gotten far off course.


What I believe about the Supernatural and Revival

It may be helpful at this point for me to make a statement of my own theological positions concerning the supernatural and revival.

I do not subscribe to the revival teaching that’s going around the church today that preaches a sustained, never ending revival, with the world getting better and better until the time of Christ’s return. Neither history, nor the scriptures, speak of such a thing!

My understanding of revival is that God in His graciousness at times pours out His Spirit to a much greater measure than what we usually see. It shouldn’t be surprising that God would do that as the days grow darker. That does not mean, however, that darker days are not ahead for the world or that the world can somehow escape the judgments recorded in Scripture! Nor does it mean that there will not be a great falling away in the Church. It simply means that God in His love at various times and seasons chooses to bless His people by sometimes giving extraordinary visitations of His Spirit.

The primary evidence of revival is not supernatural manifestations or amazing miracles. We’re plainly warned that in the last days miraculous signs and wonders are going to be performed by people who are not of God. This is reason enough to exercise discernment.

The primary evidence of a visitation of God are changed lives marked by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Authentic revival brings a love for Jesus and a hatred for sin and worldliness. It gets our eyes off the world and on heaven.

Although I’ve personally experienced on occasion some extraordinary supernatural manifestations from God, I do not elevate the experiences themselves, but rather see them as something that attended a great work of God in my life.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s never about the manifestation; it’s always about Jesus Christ.

I’ve never felt that God has ever wanted me to glory in an experience! When we begin to do that we’re missing the whole point of what it means to have a relationship with God. My glory is in Christ alone.

If you’ve been feeding your hunger for revival with a constant diet of supernatural experiences you may find the following resource to be rather dry. It may taste bland to you at first, but I believe it will be good for you! For a balanced look at what authentic revival looks like I recommend reading “Revival” by Martin Lloyd-Jones.

Finally I’d like to share with you an open vision that a friend of mine had in the same year that David Minor gave his prophetic word.


An open vision showing purification of the church

I was traveling as an itinerant evangelist at the time the prophecy, “Turn Your Face Into The Wind” came out. I was living in South Florida and ministering in Fort Lauderdale when I met a man at a Baptist Church who invited me to minister at his church. This man was filled with the Spirit like Stephen in the book of Acts. He radiated holiness and joy!

We were sitting having lunch one day when I shared with him what I felt God was showing me concerning revival. In the course of our conversation I also mentioned the prophecy, “Turn Your Face Into The Wind”. He had never heard the prophecy before but after hearing about it he opened up to me and shared an open vision with me that he had recently experienced.

To my knowledge he had never shared the vision with anybody before. You need to understand that this man was not given to this sort of thing. He was a Spirit-filled believer who was pastoring in a Baptist Church and in those days this is not the sort of thing a Baptist pastor was likely to be talking about. Visions were not part of his background or inclination. He was a very serious believer grounded in the Word of God and overflowing with the Holy Spirit but he was not the kind of person who says “God spoke to me” every time you turn around.

When he told me God had given him an open vision I listened very closely because I knew it was uncharacteristic for him, and I trusted his character, love for the Word of God, and his commitment to truth.


A vision of a church steeple passing through flames

He described to me how God had given him an open vision of a church steeple passing through flames, showing that the Lord was going to deeply purify His Church. When the steeple came out of the other side of the flames, it had been completely purified and looked like a totally different Church!

In my mind this vision rings true. He saw a purified Church, not a vision of revival fun and froth!

God desires to bring His bride back to her first love; He is not satisfied with an adulterous bride! When a spouse commits adultery restoration of relationship always involves repentance. In revival God gives the gift of repentance to His people that we might return to Him.

I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned from them. I will be like the dew to Israel; he shall blossom like the lily; he shall take root like the trees of Lebanon; his shoots shall spread out; his beauty shall be like the olive, and his fragrance like Lebanon. They shall return and dwell beneath my shadow; they shall flourish like the grain; they shall blossom like the vine; their fame shall be like the wine of Lebanon. -Hosea 14:4-7