Resources For Revival

As best I can remember God first began speaking to me around 1986-1987 or so about an outpouring of His Spirit that would eclipse anything we have ever seen before. There were occasions in prayer during that time where I would come under glimpses of…

Run To The Tsunami

I normally don’t post pictures on my blog. As it turns out. I’ve only done it once before and it was also while I was at the beach! Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words! When I saw the sign, God spoke to me,…

God Is Raising Up Prophets

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” -Proverbs 29:18 I was led by the Holy Spirit today to consider the role and importance of prophets in the church. Roughly 400 years passed between the prophet Malachi and the appearing of John the Baptist. That’s…

Turn Your Face Into The Wind

Over the last couple years there’s been a lot of talk about revival in the Pacific Northwest. Many feel that the Portland, Oregon area where I live may be one of the epicenters of an outpouring of the Glory of God that will usher in…

The God of Disruption

It baffles me why some people think that change in the church must be gradual and not disruptive. Let me introduce you to the God of Disruption! Paul got saved and became an apostle of Jesus Christ through divine disruption. Paul was going on his…

Jesus Is The Fire Starter Of Revival

God continues to show me pictures of revival. This time it was an inner picture/vision of the Holy Spirit depicted as fireworks exploding above the Earth with burning pieces falling to the ground! The burning pieces were falling in various locations all over the Earth…

What Does True Revival Look Like?

True revival is falling so much in love with Jesus that you want to be just like Him! Revival is THE THING that everybody’s talking about right now in the Church. In the Pacific Northwest, where I live, expectations are very high that we are…