“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.” -Joel 2:28
A dream I had the morning of January 8th, 2020, concerning the coming outpouring of God’s Spirit upon the earth.
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” -Habakkuk 2:4
In the dream I was talking to somebody and we walked up to a picture window that was the entire side and size of a very large cathedral. (I was taken back to a prior period in history (early 1900’s) and the architecture and woodwork of the building was of that period.) As I looked out the window I could see rolling plains and pastures. I was drinking from a pitcher of milk. As I was taking in the landscape I looked up to heaven, and said to the person I was with, “John G. Lake was like any other man. He lived in a time when the Spirit of God was being poured out… and the Spirit of God came upon him!” As I was speaking I began to look intently up into the skies, into the heavens, and there was a diffuse light behind clouds, when suddenly a brightness of light broke through the clouds and the Glory of God came upon me with such weight and intensity that I could barely speak anymore. I could barely move my arms, or my mouth, and my body felt pressed down by the weight of the Glory. Under the weight of it I was saying, “It’s not about the man, it’s not about us, it wasn’t about John G. Lake… it was the Glory of God being poured out upon the earth in the day and time that he lived in, and he came under the power of it.” As I was drinking from the pitcher of milk in my hand I discovered a worm in the milk! This was after the Glory had come upon me. And I went and took the pitcher to the sink and washed out the worm. I didn’t understand it in the dream but immediately upon waking the Holy Spirit told me, “God’s not going to have any worms in His milk!” He wants the pure milk of the Word of God, untainted and uncontaminated. There should be no worm in the pitcher that dispenses the milk of the Word of God. God’s mouthpieces must be pure, giving His pure word. I reemphasized the point by turning toward my friend in the dream and saying, “Nobody wants to drink milk with a worm in it.”
God wants pure milk!!!
The vessels of the Lord must carry and pour out “the pure milk of the Word”.
“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,” -1 Peter 2:2
We must be uncompromising in this! God desires vessels that crave and carry the pure Word of God.
Any kind of contamination needs to be removed. The “pitchers of the Lord”, who share the Word of the Lord, need to be filled with the “the pure milk of the Word”. All error, all wrong doctrine, everything false from the enemy must be removed and the vessel cleansed.
Anyone upon discovering a worm in a pitcher of milk would immediately discard the milk and find it repulsive. I’m not going to drink milk with a worm in it!
Our reaction to false teaching and false prophecy should be identical to that. We must love the truth so much that every false and contaminated thing becomes distasteful.
If we’re going to give pure milk to people, we must drink the pure milk of the Word ourselves.
It’s impossible for me to put into words what I experienced in my dream- the glory of it, the magnificence of it, the brightness of it, the weight of it, the power of it.
When the outpouring of the Glory of God comes everyone will know it! People will not be asking, “Is this it?”
I was so aware that it was HIS GLORY that I was seeing, that it had nothing to do with man- it was the Glory of Almighty God alone that accounted for everything.
The Word of God and the Spirit of God will bring the Glory of God!
“Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.” -Psalm 29:2