Today’s post is from my journal- March 2019.
Last night the Holy Spirit heavily impressed me in a dream that to know whether something is truly a blessing or not we must first ask what the source of it is.
The critical question in our life is often not what “the blessing” is, but where the blessing is coming from!
The question is not whether a thing is desirable or not, but rather, “Is God the one giving this to me?”
Adam and Eve lived in a garden filled with many desirable things. Everything growing there was planted by God and it was all good! God plainly told them that they could eat of any of the trees except for one. Like every other tree and plant in the garden that tree was also good, but it was not given by God to them to eat of.
The devil, however, was happy to offer it to them!
You can be sure that if God is not the source of your “blessing” it will end badly! Something may appear very desirable, but if God is not the one giving it to you it is illegitimate.
The devil specializes in giving us “good things” that God did not intend for us.
The tree the Devil offered Adam and Eve was actually a good tree. There was nothing bad about that tree or the fruit that was growing on it.
It was simply something that God did not intend for Adam and Eve.
It turned bad for them because it was something that was not given by God to them. When they partook took of that tree it was illegitimate because God had already said, “Hey, this tree isn’t for you, stay away it!”
You see what’s happening here?
There was a good tree, with good fruit, but God wasn’t offering it, and the devil was.
They had a choice to make.
And the choice came down not to whether something was good or bad, but who was offering it!
God was not willing to be the source for that particular tree, but the devil was. If they wanted what was on that tree there was only one way for them to get it, it was to choose the devil as the source.
It is therefore very important to understand who the source of your “blessing” is!
God gives us good without adding any trouble to it, the same cannot be said of the devil.
We most often think of Satan as someone who offers us bad things and entices us in that way, but the truth is he’s an expert at offering us DESIREABLE things. That was his go-to tactic in the garden and he’s still very active with that today.
Better desire unfulfilled than fullfilled desire gifted by the devil!
God may not give you everything you want or find desirable but you can be sure that whatever He withholds from you is for your good.
The devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world.
Did you notice that Jesus told the devil no?
Jesus was not interested in receiving anything other than what His Father wanted to give Him.
Desire fulfilled in Jesus is a tree of life and never brings the fruit of death.