Alarm Dream

Forever, O LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens. -Psalms 119:89

I woke up at around 4:00 a.m. this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. I was disturbed about some real life situations where I’ve tried to share the Word of God with friends, and as soon as I talk about serious passages in the Bible, they tune me out and go silent.

I honestly believe there’s a generation of people hiding behind texting. It’s the perfect means of avoidance when you don’t want to deal with uncomfortable things.

If I talk about happy topics people will gladly engage me in conversation, but if it takes a turn towards bible verses that show a different side of God than what they’re comfortable with, they will simply turn a deaf ear and ignore me as if I hadn’t spoken to them!

I was laying awake and thinking about it.

It was bothering me, but at the same time I began to question myself. Should I just avoid some of these verses since they obviously don’t want to hear them? But as I lay there thinking about it the Lord spoke to me very plainly-

“My words are established forever in Heaven. If something needs to change in what’s spoken, it’s not going to be My Word!”

I’m not one of those people who likes to sit up in the wee hours of the morning and ponder things like this, so I prayed, “God there’s enough time in the day tomorrow after I wake up for me to ponder these things. I don’t need to be doing it at 4:00 in the morning, please help me to get back to sleep!”

So I fell back to sleep.

But then I began to dream about these difficult bible passages!! The ones people are uncomfortable with and don’t want to hear.

After that my dream took another twist.

I dreamt that I needed to get up for work, but it was dark outside and I had no idea when my alarm clock would go off.

I said to myself in the dream, “Everything around me is completely dark. I have no factual basis to know what time it is”.

AT THAT PRECISE MOMENT my phone alarm actually went off and woke me up from the dream to get up for work!

IMMEDIATELY, God spoke to me and said, “My word is exactly like this. It is based in facts, even when everything around you is dark! It’s an alarm, warning people of the times they are in, but if they choose to ignore it they will have to deal with sleeping through the alarm when they should be awake.”