Jesus Is The Fire Starter Of Revival

God continues to show me pictures of revival. This time it was an inner picture/vision of the Holy Spirit depicted as fireworks exploding above the Earth with burning pieces falling to the ground!

The burning pieces were falling in various locations all over the Earth and igniting the fields on fire where they land.

Jesus is a fire starter!

“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” – Matthew 3:11

These localized fields represent relatively small areas all over the Earth igniting with revival fire!

Jesus is bringing people back to their first love and igniting fires of passion for Him. He’s also igniting unquenchable fires of holiness that will burn out everything that is not of Him.

After I saw the pieces of burning fireworks fall to the Earth, I saw a meteorite enter the Earth’s atmosphere burning with intense heat. When it hit the ground it made a DEEP IMPRESSION where it landed, covering a much larger area.

I’m not sure if this represents places where revival will cover a much larger area and deeply impact an entire region, or if it means revival will begin with small localized fires but come later in a way that is much more obvious and has a wide-scale impact.

I immediately prayed into what I saw!

If this resonates with you, please join me in praying that the Lord would come down to “melt the mountains like wax”.

“The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the LORD , At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.” -Psalm 97:5

As I prayed about this I saw complete landscape changes where things like “mountains” disappear! Where God does such an effectual work in the hearts of people that entire regions look like completely different places to the point where the “former appearance is unrecognizable”.

Disclaimer: When I speak of God sending His Holy Spirit and changing regions In such a way that their “former appearance is unrecognizable” I’m not advocating for some vision of Latter Rain or Manifest Sons of God theology. I’m also not speaking of dominionism or ideas like the Seven Mountain Mandate. I’m completely aware that the Bible teaches that in the last days terrible times are going to come. There’s going to be Great Tribulation, not some spiritual utopia that’s so great that it ushers in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. I do not subscribe to much of the revival teaching that’s going around the church today that preaches a sustained, never ending revival, with the world getting better and better until the time of Christ’s return. Neither history, nor the scriptures, speak of such a thing!

My understanding of revival is that God in His graciousness at times pours out His Spirit to a much greater measure. It shouldn’t be surprising that God would do that as the days grow darker. That does not mean, however, that darker days are not ahead for the world or that the world can somehow escape the judgments recorded in Scripture! Nor does it mean that there will not be a great falling away in the Church. It simply means that God in His love at various times and seasons chooses to bless His people by sometimes giving extraordinary visitations of His Spirit.

For a balanced look at what authentic revival looks like I recommend reading “Revival” by Martin Lloyd-Jones.