Sowing Prayer

This is something I shared with a friend from my journal and decided to share it publicly to encourage you in prayer.

I had a very intense and prolonged season of prayer where I would go out to the Salmon Creek Greenway near where I lived. I walked and prayed and poured my heart out before God there.

Recently I was back in the area and so I decided to go to the Greenway and revisit the place where I had spent so many days with the Lord in prayer.

It’s a time and season that’s now gone as I’ve moved out of the area and into the new things God has for me.


Sowing Prayer- July 2018

I’ve been scattering seed.

All along the trail of the Salmon Creek Greenway! All along the paths of Fort Vancouver! Up and down the highway along I-5!

There’s so many crops it’s like a farmer’s field out there.

When I walk the trails it’s like reading my journal.

I know the exact spots where God planted “this” in my heart, or I sowed prayers about “that”

Even though prayer is mostly a solitary place of “Small Beginnings”, yet once sown it can move mountains!

But maybe the greatest discovery of all…

Prayers sown in brokenness often produce seeds of faith that bring forth the hardiest, healthiest plants of all!

When I thought my life was falling apart, and not all the prayers in the world could make a difference, without knowing it I planted the crop that would bring the greatest harvest of all!

Even though it doesn’t feel like it at the time, the harder we cry the more we water the seeds of joy that will spring up in the season to come.

“Those who sow with tears
    will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping,
    carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
    carrying sheaves with them!”

-Psalm 126:5-6

It does no good just to “go out weeping”. Carry some seed to sow! Let your prayers mix with all your tears and God will give you a harvest!

“I have given my love to the Lord, because He has given ear to the voice of my cry and my prayer.” -Psalm 116:1