Spirit Wind In The Pacific Northwest

“The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” -John 3:8

One of the greatest truths about revival is the Spirit blows where He wants to. We like to think that we can control it, but we can no more control revival then we can control the wind!

On the day of Pentecost the Spirit Wind blew through an upper room. If you were in that room you got wind blown!

Every revival that I’m aware of in the history of the church has been tied to locality. Revival occurs regionally and often very specifically. The Spirit might be blowing on Azusa Street and not on Franklin Street! He blows wherever He wants to and it’s really not up to us.

For the last 6 years I’ve been on a Holy Spirit adventure and the Spirit of God has been blowing through my life. I live in the Pacific Northwest. There are Spirit fires being lit in living rooms and churches all over the area that I live in. The presence of God is falling upon us here in ways that blows my mind!

My continual prayer is “Quicken me, Holy Spirit! Quicken me! Light me on fire!!”

The Wind of Heaven is here.

One of the obvious things to me about wind, is that we can’t assume how and where it’s going to blow. One thing I do know, is that God doesn’t want us setting up human wind machines of our own construction. There’s a huge difference between putting up a bunch of fans in a room and having wind come down from heaven! When we try to do things in our own effort we amount to nothing more than just a bunch of human fans.

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.” -Zechariah 4:6

My feeble human efforts are like comparing a flashlight to the Sun. It’s really impossible to mistake the two. Our little box fans are likewise nothing like hurricane winds. The Spirit of God is of a different order altogether. We have yet to see the intensity or know what it is to experience the Wind of Heaven blowing into our lives in hurricane measure in such a way that it affects the entire community. There are those, however, who are experiencing Pentecost now in their individual lives. There are also communities in the Portland/Vancouver area who are experiencing The Winds of Revival in varying intensity. My prayer is that the glory of the LORD would come as a mighty rushing wind for all who live in the Pacific Northwest.